
Showing posts from July, 2018
Though many see me as strong please understand that by myself I'm probably one of the weakest people BUT through practicing my faith I am blessed with a strength that is UNSTOPPABLE. Today I share a story of faith, hope, and the church united as I share my journey as I receive the sacrament of anointing of the sick.
I sit here waiting for news I'm not sure I want to hear. My stomach is turning my body is shaking and then I had to remember whose hands hold me...My Jesus! There's nothing that I'm going to hear today that God won't pull me through! It's times like this when fear sets in I have to reflect on all the challenges that I have overcome in the past and how He has helped me through it all. Today I reflect on just last year and all that I was able to accomplish through Jesus Christ after my last who am I to lose Faith now? I shall not for I know God is with me! Thank you for reminding me of this Luis Torres... I love you. Thank you for having faith when mine seems to tremble!
When challenges continue to be in our path how are we able to remain strong? For myself, I've learned to reflect on all that I've been through and have successfully overcome! In all things, I also continue to seek what exactly it is that God is teaching me, especially, when the answer is "NO"
Sometimes when we are in the midst of a storm it's hard for us to feel God's presence. I believe God knows this because EVERY time when I find myself in this situation He always sends me  a messenger or a sign to let me know that He is with me even in my most challenging of moments! His love is never failing! My desire is that I continue to draw closer to Christ through every trial for in my weakness He continues to be my strength.
Every day of my life is a CHOICE! Will I stay in bed and give into the pain or will I use my GROWTH MINDSET to overcome? Today's video is about the power & importance of self care and surrounding ourselves with the people we love & those that lift us up! Days like this remind me of why I continue to fight each day! Love is the greatest gift that God gave us and it is this love that will help me to continue to overcome! When we use self care we are telling ourselves that we are worth it and we can do it!!! Cheers to another day of overcoming by choosing to use my growth mindset and self care coping skills!