
Showing posts from December, 2018

Half way point to meeting my goal DAY 75

75 days ago I set a goal for myself that some thought was crazy & at times I too thought so myself! But here I am at the half way point and in another 75 days I will have hopefully reached my goal! While there are no promises one thing is certain and that is...things are definitely going to get a bit more challenging! Just as these challenges increased, God touches my soul again as He reminds me that He is with me. He knows the desire of our hearts as well as our needs before we even ask! So on day 75 I smile and God's grace and love will surely take me to day 74 in full fighting force! And just a heads up...yes my feet look a bit different but that's what rheumatoid does. Both ankles have been fused and I live with deformities in my lower leg. These deformities keep me from being able to put my feet flat on the ground. Understand though, it is my Jesus that keeps me grounded in His love, mercy, and grace! I'm ok with all the scars and brokenness left by this disease...
Jesus speaks through dreams....
This morning I woke up and I heard the song called "Well Done" and in my faith journey walk I understood this as God's way of telling me that He was pleased that I held onto my faith when my faith was challenged. I believe God talks to us through prayer, through others, and yes even music. Today I would like to share my spiritual walk with Jesus in "real life" time LOL.