acupuncture over steroid treatment success

Yesterday I was disappointed when my rheumatologist could not get me in for a steroid injection to the left shoulder to take away the flareup I was in. I was fearful because I knew I would be stuck with the pain but then it hit me, this could be an opportunity to explore alternative natural practices to medicine. I quickly called up my acupuncturist and he immediately got me in. It was a painful session as my pain was at a level 8 but I was able to push through. I woke up this morning so excited because I had victory! Victory over this flareup through natural remedies. I will never run to steroids again! This experience can be life-changing to my treatment and future health!

Today's lesson is to remember that sometimes closed doors are actually an answer to your prayers. Although you may not see it immediately, hold onto your faith and have an open mind to what God is speaking to you. In my case, the closed door was the steroid treatment. Although my first reaction was fear, my second reaction was a reaction to God's grace upon me and an open mind to receive healing through natural methods. So once again one of my daily challenges turns into a victory! Onward I fight!  Over the summer I will continue to receive acupuncture is a regular treatment twice a week, cryotherapy 5-6 days a week, aqua therapy weekly, along with 20-30 minute daily exercise routines.


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